Calculadora de Engenharia Vapor Projeto da tubulação Dimensionamento da tubulação por perda de pressão Dimensionamento da tubulação por velocidade Dimensionamento da tubulação para descarga livre do vapor Perda de pressão através da tubulação Perda de velocidade do vapor através da tubulação Vazão do vapor através da tubulação Espessura econômica do isolamento Válvulas e orificios Valores Cv e Kvs Vazão de vapor através de uma válvula Vazão de vapor através de um orifício Carga de condensado Da tubulação na inicialização Do aquecimento do líquido (contínuo) Do aquecimento do liquído (batelada) Do aquecimento do ar Da perda na tubulação por irradiação Ponto de stall Melhora no título do vapor Da redução de pressão Da redução de pressão e separação do condensado Efeito do ar misturado no vapor Queda de temperatura (baseada na % de ar) % do ar (baseado na mistura da temperatura) Vapor e Custos da unitário da energia Custo unitário da energia Custo unitário do vapor Eficiência da caldeira Recuperação de condensado Analíse econômica Sistema aberto Sistema fechado Trocador de calor Recuperação do vapor flash Dimensionamento da tubulação Entre o equipamento e o purgador Dimensionamento do tubo de recuperação de condensado pela perda de pressão Dimensionamento do tubo de recuperação de condensado pela velocidade Linha de saída da bomba Geração do vapor flash Água Projeto da tubulação Dimensionamento do tubo por perda de pressão Dimensionamento do tubo por velocidade Perda de pressão através da tubulação Velocidade da água através da tubulação Vazão de água através da tubulação Espessura do isolamento Válvulas e orifícios Valores Cv e Kvs Vazão da água através de uma válvula Vazão da água através de um orifício Ar Projeto da tubulação Dimensionamento da tubulação por perda de pressão Dimensionamento da tubulação por velocidade Perda de pressão através da tubulação Velocidade do ar através da tubulação Vazão de ar através da tubulação Válvulas e orificio Valores Cv e Kvs Vazão do ar através de uma válvula Vazão do ar através de um orifício Carga de condensado do ar comprimido Tabela da umidade saturada do ar Gás Projeto da tubulação Perda de pressão através da tubulação Tabelas de vapor Tabela de vapor saturado por pressão Tabela de vapor saturado por temperatura Tabela de vapor superaquecido Termos de Uso (somente Inglês) Grupos de Produtos Casos de sucesso Soluções de sistema Controle Pontual da Pressão com COSPECT® Email Revista Encontre mais dicas de engenharia de vapor em nosso boletim informativo bimestral. Inscrever-se agora Terms of Use For TLV Engineering Calculator IMPORTANT - READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY AND PLEASE AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BEFORE YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE CONDITIONS, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. IF YOU USE ENGINEERING CALCULATOR, YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE AGREED TO THE CONDITIONS. 1. PURPOSE TLV provides ENGINEERING CALCULATOR for the limited use of technical calculation necessary for engineering and does not provide it for the purpose of consulting or warranties concerning selection of products. The user takes full responsibility for the use of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. 2. COPYRIGHT All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to Copyright, Patent, and Know-How) in and to ENGINEERING CALCULATOR and any copies thereof, are owned by TLV Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as TLV). All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content that may be accessed through use of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR are the property of the respective content owner(s) and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. These Terms of Use grant you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by TLV. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS You must comply with all applicable laws regarding the use of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. 4. SUPPORT SERVICES TLV offers no support services for the use of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. However, if you find any bugs in the software, please report them using the contact form. 5. LINKING Please contact TLV before linking to this website. In addition, please pay heed to the stipulations concerning linking that are listed below, 5-1) REFUSAL OF LINKING TLV will refuse to be linked to any web site which contains content against or possibly against public policy or laws, or which slanders the products or services of TLV. 5-2) FRAMELINKING Please do not mix ENGINEERING CALCULATOR with other content on your web site or display it in such a way that it may be mistaken as a part of your web site. Also, please take care as not to misleadingly imply any relationship between your website and TLV. 5-3) ALTERATION OF URL TLV may, without notice, alter or delete the URL’s of pages in its website including that of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. TLV will not notify the webmasters of sites linking to these pages of such changes. 6. NO WARRANTIES TLV does not warrant that ENGINEERING CALCULATOR is free of defects or faults or that it will revise any such defects or faults found. TLV provides ENGINEERING CALCULATOR on an “as is” basis without any warranty. The user shall bear all final responsibility with respect to the risk of using ENGINEERING CALCULATOR and TLV bears no responsibility for the risk of your using the software. TLV expressly disclaims any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. You are fully responsible for all danger caused by the use of ENGINEERING CALCULATOR, or its functions. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall TLV be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use ENGINEERING CALCULATOR. However this does not apply in the event it is found that TLV has intentionally caused damage, 8. THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE TLV may supply third party software products (Third Party Software). The following are applied to the Third Party Products for warranty, support, etc., from TLV. 8-1) NO WARRANTIES The Third Party Software and any related documentation is provided "as is" without any warranty. TLV expressly disclaims warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. You are fully responsible for all danger caused by use of the Third Party Software, its functions and any related documentation. 8-2) SUPPORT SERVICE As the Third Party Software and any related documentation is provided "as is" without any warranty, TLV does not provide you any support services regarding operation, damage, etc., of the Third Party Software. 8-3) EXEMPTION FROM RESPONSIBILITY In no event shall TLV be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Third Party Software. 9. CLOSING OF WEBSITE TLV reserves the right to close the ENGINEERING CALCULATOR website without any advance notice to users. 10. AMENDMENT TLV shall have the right to amend these Terms of Use at its sole discretion. The amended terms of use shall come into effect immediately after being uploaded to the website and users must refer to the Terms of Use from time to time. Where a user uses ENGINEERING CALCULATOR after amendment of the Terms of Use, such user shall be deemed to have accepted the new Terms of Use. 11. GOVERNED LAWS These Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of Japan. Should you have any questions concerning these Terms of Use, please contact TLV in writing. TLV CO., LTD.881 Nagasuna, Noguchi, KakogawaHyogo, 675-8511, Japan